"The Deep End" is a new law practice show from ABC, and ABC attempting to follow in the footsteps of "The Practice" and "Boston Legal" has created another show about the lives of attorneys and the things that they over come, this time with first year interns. The pilot, was... a pilot. It wasn't the LOST pilot, but it was okay. The show never really materializes any of the emotion that ABC has been so good at doing in the past with "Gray's Anatomy", "LOST", or "Pushing Daisies". ABC knows how to make drama, not like David Kelly used to do on FOX but they know how to make drama's and I don't feel like "The Deep End" showed that very well. The sexual references are more like "Desperate Housewives" than a Muppet movie where they have to be concealed from kids. I think that sometimes the former is better than the latter but some innocence might be just what this show needs. Just like a good relationship between two people a relationship between a television program and a person needs some innocence to thrive. The pilot kind of felt like it was all out there, they were showing all of their guns at the beginning but the end didn't leave me asking for more. I felt like I had just left a hotel room with Joan Rivers and not like I had just left a hotel room with Evangeline Lilly. There are normal moral questions that come up and are mostly resolved, new relationships form, people come of age, but it always feels resolved. Even the "cliff hanger" at the end involving one of the partners of the firm isn't really a cliff hanger. It was predictable, like "The Passion of the Christ", and boring like the ten millionth time they remade "Scary Movie". Good viewing to everyone.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
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